Scientific and practical
with international participation


November 14-15, 2024


Oceanarium "Ailand Astana" LLP expresses deepest respect and invites you to take part in the scientific-practical conference with international participation on aquaristics and fish breeding "Experience and perspectives of ORNAMENTAL AND MARKETABLE AQUACULTURE development". The conference will be attended by scientists and specialists in the field of aquaristics, fish breeding and marine biology, suppliers and manufacturers of products for the maintenance of ornamental and marketable hydrobionts in fresh and marine water. The conference will be held on November 14-15, 2024 in Astana, Kazakhstan. The official languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian, English (simultaneous translation). The conference will be held in a mixed offline/online format. Participation in the conference is free of charge. Guests are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses..

The Oceanarium “Ailand” (Ailand Astana LLC) expresses its deep respect to you and thanks everyone who registered for the conference.
We inform you that we are forced to change the dates of the conference to April 17-18, 2025 for unforeseen reasons
Registration for the conference has been extended until November 30, 2024. Those who have already registered do not need to re-register.


Within the framework of the conference, the Astana Oceanarium plans to present many years of experience in keeping hydrobionts, share best practices and new projects. The main focus of the conference is the development of international cooperation in the field of aquaristics and aquaculture. We invite you to share your experience!

Our goal is to bring oceanariums and aquaculture facilities into close contact with life support systems (LSS) manufacturers, product suppliers and aquaculture suppliers to solve scientific and practical problems in the fields of aquaculture technology, marine biology and hydrochemistry. The aims of the conference also include discussion of issues within the framework of educational, ecological, cultural and environmental activities.

The Conference program will include reports, discussions and poster presentations in the following areas:
Maintenance, breeding and transportation of ornamental and marketable hydrobionts
Issues of ethology (behavior) of hydrobionts, ichthyology and physiology of aquatic organisms
Ichthyopathology and veterinary medicine of aquatic animals
Maintenance and cultivation of plants in fresh and marine water
Reproductive biology of marine animals, breeding problems of fish and invertebrates
Nutritional issues of hydrobionts in artificial conditions of maintenance
Issues of application and manufacture/breeding of artificial and live feeds
Current issues and technical solutions in the field of hydrochemistry and water treatment
Modern technologies and engineering systems for keeping living organisms (KLO)
Issues of aquarium design and maintenance of aquariums, practice of underwater diving when working with hydrobionts
Aquaculture and aquarium technology in education and research

Please inform about your participation in the Conference till November 30, 2024 by sending the questionnaire to the e-mail

Косумов Алибек Кабдахамитович
BSc, MBS, PH PhD, Заместитель директора океанариума по науке, г.Астана, Казахстан
Мынбаев Данияр Жандосович
Начальник отдела океанариума, г.Астана, Казахстан
Успенский Антон Александрович
Заместител начальника отдела океанариума, г.Астана, Казахстан
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